Thursday, January 26, 2012

Incisive Analysis: "Spence's Company Was Purchased by Wall Street Firm Tied to Financial Crisis and Bank Bailouts."

"Last year, Spence's company was purchased by a private equity firm called Irving Place Capital for a reported $260 million.  Irving Place Capital (formerly Bear Stearns Merchant Banking) was previously the private equity arm of the defunct investment bank Bear Stearns, which played a key role in causing the financial crisis and the global recession. After Bear Stearns collapsed and was acquired by JP Morgan (with the help of a$30 billion taxpayer guarantee from the Federal Reserve), Irving Place Capital spun off to become an independent private equity firm in November 2008.   [St. Louis Post Dispatch,9/1/10; Private Equity International, 10/28/08] " Courtesy of Show Me Progress

Inside the Bear Stearns boiler room. Exclusive book excerpt: Bestselling author William Cohan uncovers the inner workings of the misadventure that brought down Bear Stearns and foreshadowed the financial crisis to come (click the link). Dave Spence was affiliated with Irving Place Capital until he resigned recently to run for Missouri Governor's office in 2012.  Irving Place Capital has its origin in the failed Bear Stearns. Dave Spence is a Wall Street insider! can you trust him with the Governor's mansion?

Irving Place Capital: Read more about it (click the link)

Alpha Packaging bought by Irving Place Capital (click the link). 

"Following the acquisition, Alpha’s top management team will stay in place. Spence will remain as Alpha’s president and CEO. Creston will oversee all acquisition integration as executive vice president of corporate development. Mike DeFazio, who currently serves as vice president of operations, will become chief operating officer. Alpha’s Chief Financial Officer Gary Seeman, and Executive Vice President of Sales Jack Baily, will remain in their positions." (click the link)

Do you now doubt Dave Spence is deeply connected to Wall Street? Can you trust him to be Missouri's next governor? Get the facts from this blog's incisive analysis before you elect the next Governor of the great state of Missouri.

Our addition:
"... completely forgot about the $40 million bailout that his bank received while he served on the board and has subsequently refused to pay back.  Let's not forget that when pressed on the issue, Spence has repeatedly refused to give a straight answer why his bank hasn't repaid the taxpayer dollars, even after pouring $2 million into his own campaign fund." >>Read more

Dave Spence: Deeply connected to Wall Street.  Can you trust him with Missouri Governor's office? This man who is worth $260,000,000 already spelled out that he will take away the rights of the police and firefighters that protect us, nurses that treat us, teachers that teach our children, sanitation workers that clean our streets etc if elected the next Governor of Missouri. Spence will be brutal, heartless, and callous! He is part of the 1% that controls the American economy at the expense of the 99%. 

Dave Spence sold his company, Alpha Packaging, to  Irving Place Capital (formerly Bear Stearns Merchant Banking) for $260,000,000.  Irving Place Capital  was previously the private equity arm of the defunct investment bank Bear Stearns, which played a key role in causing the financial crisis and the global recession. Dave Spence continued to be the CEO of Alpha Packaging after Irving Place Capital acquired bought it. Spence is a Wall Street insider! Can you trust him with the Missouri Governor's in 2012.
Dave Spence smiling all the way to Reliance bank after he sold  his company to Irving Place Capital for $260,000,000. In September 2010, Spence bought 500,000 Shares of Reliance Stock [US Fed News, 9/25/10]. What a sweet deal! Spence owes Missouri voters an explanation! Spence is tainted! He needs to come clean!

This is how $260,000,000 looks like in a bank vault. Spence sold his company for $260 million.  Spence, a very wealthy man, wants Missouri voters to elect him Governor in 2012 so that he can take away the rights of police, firefighters, nurses, teachers etc. It's no wonder that he donated $2,000,000 of his money to the Governor's race in 2012. We believe Spence and his wealthy friends want to buy into the Governor's office.

Dave Spence's $8,000,000 mansion in suburban St. Louis.  The man who is worth $260,000,000 and lives in such a luxurious lifestyle has vowed to do what Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin and Gov. John Kasich of Ohio did---devastate the middle class by taking away the rights of the police, firefighters, nurses, teachers, sanitation workers, paramedics etc. We believe Spence will be brutal, heartless, and callous! You lost your job, home, health care, retirement etc or squeaking by! Is Spence the man you want in the Governor's mansion during this economic crisis? We suggest you suck his cash and send him packing! Send him back to his luxurious mansion and Wall Street friends.

Dave Spence says to Missouri voters: Don't Worry Be Happy! I am worth
$260,000,000! I live in a $8,000,000 mansion in St. Louis suburbs! I will
devastate the Missouri middle class by taking away the rights of police,
firefighters, nurses, teachers, sanitation workers etc! Click the right-pointing
arrow to watch the YouTube video and listen to the song by Bobby McFerrin.


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