Sunday, December 18, 2011

Dave Spence: "I don't have any gaping holes and I've lived a very good Christian life", Politico

In an interview with Politico Dave Spence says "It was gnawing at me. Here's a guy who speaks
the truth and I'm that guy," he explained. "I realize they will use my success against me and I'm not a perfect person, but I don't have any gaping holes and I've lived a very good Christian life."
Courtesy of Politico

Analysis of Spence's claims:

Analysis 1:

1. "Here's a guy who speaks the truth and I'm that guy," Dave Spence told Politico. Dave Spence has lied about how he benefited from the $42,000,00 TARP bailout the bank he presided over received (click the link). He has also lied about why he resigned from the bank by giving inconsistent responses. 

Spence told PoliticMo on Tuesday that he resigned from the board in March because of the issue, although paperwork filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission says his March resignation was "not related to any disagreements with [Reliance Bancshares'] operations, policies or practices." Sources: St. Louis Post-Dispatch  (click the link) and US Securities and Exchange Commission Annual Report for Reliance Bank (click the link). 

Dave Spence lied to Peter Kinder, his fraternity brother, about his intention of running for Missouri Governor's race in 2012. On October 26, 2011, Spence told Politico he would wait for Kinder's decision and he even gave Kinder $5,000 contribution. On November 15, 2011 Spence decided to throw his frat brother Kinder under the bus by announcing he is running for the governor's race regardless of Kinder! The man who wants to be Missouri's governor is caught in lies and inconsistencies before even the Republican primary in August 2012! Dave Spence needs to come clean with Missouri voters! 

Analysis 2:

Analysis 3:

3. Dave Spence told Politico: "I've lived a very good Christian life". This is questionable! Dave Spence left his wife and young children at home to party with his friends and then got arrested for DWI. Millionaire Spence: That's not a good Christian life! We don't even have details of these friends you partied with! Did they include any female(s) you may have been fooling with? What was a 47-year old millionaire doing out late at night besides drinking?
Dave Spence stated he would take away the rights of the police and firefighters who protect us, the nurses who treat us, the teachers who educate our children, the sanitation workers who clean our streets etc. if elected the next Governor of Missouri. That's is brutal! That's heartless! That's callous! How can Dave Spence claim to be a good Christian if he wants to destroy the middle class and the most vulnerable Missourians?

Dave Spence: A tycoon worth $190-200,000,000 who says he is a good Christian. He wants  to take away the rights of  police  and firefighters, nurses, teachers etc. if elected the next Governor of Missouri. He will care for his profit and his wealthy friends. He is part of the 1% that controls the American economy at the expense of the 99%. Is he a good Christian as he claims? You be the judge!

Dave Spence's $8,000,000 mansion in St. Louis. The man who lives in such luxury wants to take away the rights of Missouri workers if elected Missouri's next Governor. 

Dave Spence's company. He sold it to a Wall Street firm connected with Bear Stearns.  Bear Stearns was involved in Wall Street meltdown and went under! Spence's company is worth $190-200,000,000. It's no wonder that the guy lives in a $8, 000,000 mansion and has donated $2,000,000 of his money to the Missouri Governor's race in 2012.

Why do you think a millionaire like Dave Spence wants to  be Missouri's next Governor? To get  richer? To oppress the middle class and the most vulnerable citizens? To take away the rights of the police and firefighters, nurses, teachers, sanitation workers etc? Dave Spence sits on $200,000,000. You lost your job, home, health care, retirement etc or squeaking by! Is Spence the man you want in the Governor's mansion during this economic crisis?
Dave Spence was arrested DWI in 2004! In our opinion it's a scandal for a 47-year old millionaire to leave his wife and young children at home to go party with friends until the wee hours of the morning, not to mention being arrested DWI and losing driver's license for three months. We don't know the details of the scandal! Was he fooling around with other women? Why didn't he get a designated driver? Was he hiding something? Dave Spence needs to come clean with Missouri voters! These questions are going to dog him!

We believe Dave Spence is a Bible-Thumping Conservative Hypocrite! (click the link)

Ed Martin dogs millionaire Dave Spence (it has been reported in the media that Ed Martin put out this document to attack Spence, click the link)

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