Dave Spence
There might be no job in politics more suited for a home economics major than Missouri governor. The Capitol needs a serious house-cleaning, and that's just for starters.
Have you seen the amount of food dished out daily in that place? Who bakes all that stuff? Who decides between Sterno or candles, paper plates or plastic? And how do you get the creases that straight when folding napkins?
We don't understand why Republican gubernatorial candidate Dave Spence, a successful St. Louis businessman, would mislead the public about the true nature of his college degree, as the Post-Dispatch's Jake Wagman reported this week. Mr. Spence has been boasting of a degree in economics. Yes, but it's home economics from what Mizzou now grandly calls its College of Human Environmental Sciences.
Home ec these days is not just cupcakes and starched aprons, if it ever was. It's human and child development, nutrition, personal finance, textile management. Whatever Mr. Spence learned there he put to good use in building a plastic bottle company that made him a fortune.
Our advice: Embrace home ec. Tell the voters you not only can bring home the bacon, but fry it nice and crisp and serve it on Limoges china. Courtesy of St. Louis Post-Dispatch.
Our addition: |
After David Spence's academic dishonesty generated a week's worth
of bad news stories, it was only a matter of time before he was featured
in a segment of Jay Leno's "Headlines." That's the kind of airtime even
Dave Spence can't buy. Click the right-pointing arrow to watch the
YouTube video.
Doesn't Home Economist Spence look dapper in a chef's hat? Why did he fudge his college credentials?
It happened to Dave Spence after he was busted for DWI by Ladue police in St. Louis at 3 AM in the morning! One more thing: He was 47 years old and a millionaire! What was a 47-year old millionaire home economist doing outside his home in the wee hours of the morning in August 2004? Can you trust this man in the Governor's mansion?
Dave Spence's $8,000,000 estate with a golf course. What was he doing outside his posh home besides boozing when he was busted for DWI? Can you trust such a man with serious character flaw to be Missouri's next Governor?
Millionaire Home Economist Spence lives in a $8,000,000 estate and
is worth $265,000,000 so Don't Worry Be Happy! He is part of the 1%
and you voters are the 99%. Do you trust him to be your next Governor?
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